In-person venue: HTW Berlin

The conference venue is HTW Berlin, University of Applied Sciences, Wilhelminenhof campus.

The address of the venue is Wilhelminenhofstrasse 75A, 12459 Berlin, Germany.

Entering the in-person venue

The entrance to the buildings is restricted to those who have the conference badge. Thus, before attending any session, you must collect your badge at the registration table.

Registration Desk

The registration and cashier will be open on Friday afternoon, from 14:00 to 19:00, during the weekend, from 8:00 to 18:00. Details will be provided in due course.

Coffee Breaks

The coffee breaks will last 40 minutes each (beginning 10 minutes before the times indicated in the program). You must have your conference badge in order to attend the coffee breaks.


All the sessions will be streamed to allow the virtual participants to attend the full conference. In-person session will run as hybrid sessions with all the talks onsite. Please check the instructions for hybrid session for details.