Richard J Smith, University of Cambridge, UK CFE 2013 Keynote Lecture: Bootstrap Methods for Moment Condition Models
Liberbank keynote talk:Herman K. van Dijk, Erasmus University Rotterdam, VU Amsterdam and Tinbergen Institute, The Netherlands CFE 2013 Keynote Lecture: Analyzing and Forecasting US Inflation.
Marc Hallin, Université Libre de Bruxelle, Belgium CFE-ERCIM 2013 Keynote Lecture: Signal Detection in High Dimension: on the asymptotic power of tests of sphericity for high-dimensional data.
Peter Green, Universityof Bristol, UK and UTS, Australia. ERCIM 2013 Keynote Lecture: Bayesian inference in graphical models
Chris Skinner, London School of Economics, UK ERCIM 2013 Keynote Lecture: The Use of Survey Weights in Regression Modelling